Онлайн-тестыТестыИностранные языкиАнглийский языквопросы

1-15   16-30   31-45   46-60   61-75   76-90   91-105   ...   181-195  

16. Кто собирается to a business trip this month? (translate the underlined part)
Who is going

17. Кто собирается visit them at the weekend? (translate the underlined part)
Who is going to

18. Почему они собираются come back? (translate the underlined part)
Why are they going to

19. Собираешься ли ты finish this work tonight? (translate the underlined part)
Are you going to

20. Собираешься ли ты visit your parents on Monday? (translate the underlined part)
Are you going to

21. Собираются ли они to the party tonight? (translate the underlined part)
Are they going to

22. Ты собираешься come late in the evening? (translate the underlined part)
Are you going to

23. Ты собираешься the shop right now? (translate the underlined part)
Are you going to

24. Что ты собираешься give your friend as a present? (translate the underlined part)
What are you going to

25. As agreed
как условлено

26. Can you give me ... pen? (вставьте притяжательное местоимение)

27. Canada is bordered by three oceans.

28. Don't put all your ... in one basket. (пословица. Русский аналог: He клади всех яиц в одну корзину (т.е. не рискуй всем, что у тебя есть))

29. Give this book to ... (insert the right pronoun)

30. Harvard University, which celebrated its 350th anniversary in 1986, is ... institution of higher learning in the United States.
the oldest

1-15   16-30   31-45   46-60   61-75   76-90   91-105   ...   181-195  

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