Онлайн-тестыТестыИностранные языкиАнглийский языквопросы
16. Кто собирается to a business trip this month? (translate the underlined part)
• Who is going
17. Кто собирается visit them at the weekend? (translate the underlined part)
• Who is going to
18. Почему они собираются come back? (translate the underlined part)
• Why are they going to
19. Собираешься ли ты finish this work tonight? (translate the underlined part)
• Are you going to
20. Собираешься ли ты visit your parents on Monday? (translate the underlined part)
• Are you going to
21. Собираются ли они to the party tonight? (translate the underlined part)
• Are they going to
22. Ты собираешься come late in the evening? (translate the underlined part)
• Are you going to
23. Ты собираешься the shop right now? (translate the underlined part)
• Are you going to
24. Что ты собираешься give your friend as a present? (translate the underlined part)
• What are you going to
25. As agreed
• как условлено
26. Can you give me ... pen? (вставьте притяжательное местоимение)
• Your
27. Canada is bordered by three oceans.
• Yes
28. Don't put all your ... in one basket. (пословица. Русский аналог: He клади всех яиц в одну корзину (т.е. не рискуй всем, что у тебя есть))
• eggs
29. Give this book to ... (insert the right pronoun)
• Me
30. Harvard University, which celebrated its 350th anniversary in 1986, is ... institution of higher learning in the United States.
• the oldest