46. Mexican President Vicente Fox ...
• paid a state visit to the US on Wednesday
47. Mexican President Vicente Fox insisted ...
• that his nation and the United States must reach agreement on immigration reform
48. Neil Wallis is ...
• the Editor of the Sunday People
49. Nigeria and Angola ...
• want to reverse the low volume of trade between them
50. St. John’s ...
• is the place where Bjork’s performance took place
51. The 1977 bilateral trade agreement ...
• was agreed to be reviewed because it was considered obsolete
52. The best ending sentence for the text is ...
• He also said the two nations have a chance to build "a new century of the Americas"
53. The best title for the text will be ...
• Are tabloids the leaders or the led?
54. The best title for the text will be ...
• Fox pushes for migrants pact by end of year
55. The best title for the text will be ...
• Mysterious Oddness
56. The best title for the text will be ...
• Nigeria, Angola reach pact on bilateral trade
57. The genre of this article is ...
• the report
58. The genre of this article is ...
• the review
59. The Joint Commission ...
• decided the two countries should establish a bilateral chamber of commerce
60. The key sentence of the text is ...
• His reply was that the tabloids succeed only when they capture the mood of the people, and that they are punished when they don’t — their readers stop buying them