106. Определите тип рифмы: Our freedom as free lances advances towards its end.
• рифменная акромонограмма
107. Определите тип рифмы: over — ever
• диссонанс
108. Определите тип рифмы: Thy voice, and suddenly grow gray with fear, and tremble and despoil themselves: oh hear!
• парная рифма
109. Определите тип рифмы: waiter — later
• женская рифма
110. Определите тип стилистического явления: As high as we have mounted in delight in our dejection do we sink as low.
• хиазм
111. Определите тип стилистического явления: Dora, plunging at once into privileged intimacy and into the middle of the room
• зевгма
112. Определите тип стилистического явления: For that was it! Ignorant of the long and stealthy march of passion, and of the state to which it had reduced Fleur; ignorant of how Soames had watched her, ignorant of Fleur's reckless desperation ... — ignorant of all this, everybody felt aggrieved.
• анафора
113. Определите тип стилистического явления: He was no gentle lamb, and the park of second fiddle would never do for the high-pitched dominance of his nature.
• литота
114. Определите тип стилистического явления: I am exactly the man to be placed in a superior position in such a case as that. I am above the rest of mankind, in such a case as that. I can act with philosophy in such a case as that.
• эпифора
115. Определите тип стилистического явления: In went Mr. Pickwick.
• стилистическая инверсия
116. Определите тип стилистического явления: The heaviest rain, and snow, and hail, and sleet could boast of the advantage over him in only one respect.
• полисиндетон
117. Определите тип стилистического явления: The principal production of these towns appear to be soldiers, sailors, Jews, chalk, shrimps, officers and dock-yard men.
• хаотическое перечисление
118. Определите тип стилистического явления: There are real silver spoons to stir the tea with, and real china cups to drink it out of, and plates of the same to hold the cakes and toast in.
• параллелизм
119. Определите тип стилистического явления: You just come home or I'll ...
• умолчание
120. Определите, к какой лексической группе относится слово: antonomasia
• терминология