Онлайн-тестыТестыИностранные языкиАнглийский язык. Аналитическое чтениевопросы

1-15   16-30   31-45   46-60   61-75   76-80  

61. Определите из контекста значение выделенного слова: In response of the quickening pace of technological and competitive change, companies in the 1990s are giving up the traditional model of the boss as someone who gives orders from some distant and front office.
becoming quicker

62. Определите из контекста значение выделенного слова: In some other countries railway development was more systematic partly because it was possible to benefit from British experience.

63. Определите из контекста значение выделенного слова: Mr. Blair is understood to have decided that legislation for full-scale reform of the Lords should not take place until after the next general elections.

64. Определите из контекста значение выделенного слова: Mr. Blair is understood to have decided that legislation for full-scale reform of the Lords should not take place until after the next general elections.
set of laws

65. Определите из контекста значение выделенного слова: Mr. Blair is understood to have decided that legislation for full-scale reform of the Lords should not take place until after the next general elections.

66. Определите из контекста значение выделенного слова: The movement of resources from lower — to higher-valued uses depends crucially on customer sovereignty.

67. Определите из контекста значение выделенного слова: Tony Blair, the prime minister, is expected this week to confirm plans to set up joint committee of senior MPs and peers to determine the long-term future of the House of Lords, the unelected upper house of parliament.
to give support

68. Определите из контекста значение выделенного слова: Tony Blair, the prime minister, is expected this week to confirm plans to set up joint committee of senior MPs and peers to determine the long-term future of the House of Lords, the unelected upper house of parliament.
to find out

69. Основной проблемой изучения литературы на иностранно языке является:

70. Руководствуясь грамматическими правилами и семантикой слов, дополните предложение: An animal is bound to depend on other living __________________..

71. Руководствуясь грамматическими правилами и семантикой слов, дополните предложение: Britain was the first country in which a __________________ comprehensive railway system was created..

72. Руководствуясь грамматическими правилами и семантикой слов, дополните предложение: Cargo traffic remained on a much smaller scale but was growing just as quickly, and air services took a high proportion __________________ the international mail..

73. Руководствуясь грамматическими правилами и семантикой слов, дополните предложение: I know Betty __________________ than you..

74. Руководствуясь грамматическими правилами и семантикой слов, дополните предложение: Many companies have now __________________ their accounting procedures..

75. Руководствуясь грамматическими правилами и семантикой слов, дополните предложение: Plant has two rooms down an area in (the) __________________.
Ellam Street

1-15   16-30   31-45   46-60   61-75   76-80  

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